Tuesday, July 2, 2013

How To Maintain a Healthy Weight Loss ?

You will most likely have to change the way you eat, the way you feel about food, and the way you exercise for life.

After you complete your diet program, you should follow tips here:
  • Your eating habits and exercise regimen have to become a life style. Make a change you can live with.
  • Eat every three hours. This will prevent you from getting overly hungry and over eat at your next meal.
  • Eat within 30 minutes of waking up. This helps to speed up your metabolism and give you a good start for the day as well as helps your body to start burning calories.
  • Eat three meals and two snacks each day. This is known as spacing and this will help to keep you satiated and prevent unnecessary snacking.
  • There are certain foods that boost your metabolism. These foods include grapefruit, sardines, harrisa, jalapenos, ginger, cinnamon, peppers, salsa, tomatoes and pecans.
  • Eat G-BOMBS which stand for greens, beans, onions, mushrooms berries and seeds. Eat these foods and they will help with your weight loss/healthy eating plan.
  • You should doggie bag your excess food. Restaurants portions are bigger than ever. When you decide to dine out, eat what you need then ask the server to pack the excess.
  • Before you go to parties, fill up on a healthy meal. You will have less appetite for appetizers and you will still be able to enjoy the festivities.
  • Keep your hands busy doing something like knitting, crossword, folding laundry to prevent you from reaching for food and eating mindlessly while watching television.
  • The more time you spend in the kitchen the more you will be tempted to eat. Close the kitchen after each meal, wash dishes, clean up and turn off the lights.
  • Stress can sabotage you ability to stick to a diet. You make unhealthy food choices when you are stressed.
  • Be a smart shopper. Never shop when you are hungry. Go shopping after a meal or a snack.
  • Drink a lot of fluid. Drink water between meals so that you stay hydrated.
  • Bag and take your lunch to work. This will help you to avoid fast food invitations.
  • There is a need to control emotional eating if you do. Deal with the underlying causes or stressors of your emotional eating.
  • You have to keep moving. Do daily physical activities like walking along with healthy eating.
  • You have to practice food swaps. These are a few swaps you can practice: whole grain cereal with skim milk instead of bran muffin, use mustard or avocado paste instead of mayonnaise.
  • Try to resist boredom. It can lure you back to bad habits. Keep your daily menu healthy, varied and new. Also, change the venue of your exercise regimen.
  • Try to include absolute rules to help you reach your weight loss/healthy eating goal. It is easier to commit yourself to absolute rules. For example: "No sugary drinks, period!"
  • You have to fight the urge to snack. Snacking is a habit you developed at a very early age. You have to know when to snack and snack smartly between meals.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

How To Use Your Brain For Losing Weight Easier ?

Are you a success at many things in life, but when it comes to losing weight you just cannot make any progress? Many people who are successful in career, marriage, relationships, finances, and other areas, but cannot get the scale to drop. Would you like to learn how to use that brain of yours to help make losing fat easier?

Here are two simple weight loss tips for great thinkers:

1. Learn to calculate your hunger number. This is really more of a rating system then a calculation, but it works like a charm and within a few days you could see a natural reduction in the amount of food you eat with no hunger or deprivation.

What you want to do is create a simple Hunger Scale. This is a scale with "0" on one end and "10" on the other. The "0" indicates that you are not hungry at all, in fact you are feeling stuffed. The "10" indicates that you are super hungry and need something now!

What you want to do is set a timer to buzz in two-hour intervals during the day. When you hear the buzz simply ask yourself, "How hungry does my stomach feel?" Then assign your hunger a number. You will need to do this for a minimum of 5 days before you start to see the correlation. At around 4 or 5 days you will start to see that you often "feel" like eating, but you are not really hungry.

This knowledge will help you make better decisions about how much to eat or when to eat. For example, if you walk into a restaurant for lunch and discover that your hunger number is only a 2, then you may choose to just have a beverage, or have something light, like a salad. You will leave the restaurant feeling pleasantly full, instead of stuffed.

Think of how many calories this will prevent you from eating! Simple and effective.

2. Use a Stopper. We are often driven to eat too much because of the situation we are in. For example, have you ever gone to the movie theater and ordered a large popcorn, just because it seems like the right thing to do? We all associate popcorn with movies, but if you notice that your hunger number is low, then you may not want to indulge in all of the calories.

This is when a Stopper can come in handy. You can eat some popcorn and then put a Stopper in your mouth. This is anything that changes the taste you have in your mouth, try a strong breath mint or a piece of gum. This gives you an opportunity to move away from eating and gives your stomach time to tell your brain you feel satisfied. This works great for avoiding dessert as well!

Losing the weight is possible and you can make it much easier with more great weight loss tips.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Losing Weight in the Natural Way

In your online research, you might have come across various websites that provide you with tips to help losing weight. If you have merely glanced at the content of those websites, you will still be able to discover that all of those websites provide the solution by weight loss products. The fact of the matter is that there are no shortcuts, which can help losing weight along with providing long-lasting results. Even if you manage to shed a few pounds by means of some strict diet plans, using weight loss products or following a rigorous exercise regimen, you will regain that padding back in your belly in a short time after you resume your normal routine. The difficult part is not losing weight, but to maintain that lower weight on a long term basis. I speak from my personal experiences and what I have witnessed from other people over the course of my life.

If you are ready for the long haul, you don’t need to worry as it is fairly simple to lose weight and stay slim for the rest of your life. Here are some tips that help losing weight.

Your Daily Diet

  • You do not need to lose weight by starving. It is harmful in the long run, and you might develop chronic illnesses because of your diet. All you need to do is cut the quantity of your daily consumption by roughly one-fourth and divide the remainder of your daily intake into four or five meals, rather than the conventional three. It will help you stay energised and also boost your metabolism. Keep some fruits such as apples and bananas with you when you are at work or school. Whenever you feel the urge to stuff your face, eat the fruit which will kill your craving and the danger will be gone.
  • Change the quality of your daily diet. Eat more fruit and vegetables and foods full of fibre such as whole wheat bread and bran cereal.
  • Do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to have a meal of your liking occasionally, but restrict the frequency to a maximum of once a fortnight.
Exercise Routine

  • Exercise on a daily basis will help losing weight. However, you should restrict exercise to a level that you can sustain over a long period. As a general rule, workout on alternate days or maybe twice a week and do different forms of exercises in each session to maximise the benefit on your body. Start with basic gym exercises and a light cardio work out.
  • Do whatever strikes your fancy. If you enjoy swimming, jogging, working-out, cycling, or any other form of exercise, go right ahead as they all can provide your overweight body with a solution by weight loss.
  • On the days that you feel up to it, go the distance and put in the extra hours. It will help increase your motivation and help you adhere to your goals.
  • For the short distances to the local grocery or the park, please walk, don’t drive. The theory is to make these small changes in your lifestyle, and as a whole, they will help losing weight.
It would be beneficial to share your goals with friends and family and form a supportive group. It has to be a change in your lifestyle, and so, you will need their help. Who knows, you might inspire them and help losing weight by bring a positive change in their lives too.

The Importance of Water and Weight Loss

For most people losing weight can be difficult. There are many things we cаn do to speed up the process of losing weight. One thing we can do is to consume more water. Water helps you lose weight for several reasons.

Water is No Calorie

Many beverages we normally drink such as juice, soda, alcohol, sweetened teas, and coffees are loaded in sugar. When we drink these beverages we are consuming a lot of empty calories that our bodies simple don’t need. Just by having 2-3 sodas per day you’re adding hundreds of calories to your daily diet which increases the chances that you’ll gain weight. Water on the other hand, has no calories at all. Just be replacing your regular beverages with plain water you’ll cut out a ton of calories which will help you lose weight. Water should therefore be your main beverage during the day. If you don’t like plain water try adding a bit of lemon to it for some flavor.

Aids in Digestion and Body Processes

Water aids in the digestion process and it’s needed by the entire body. By drinking more water you’ll help the normal function of your body. People that suffer from constipation often aren’t drinking enough water. By adding more water to your diet you’ll be more regular and your organs and cells will have the water that they need to function at optimum levels.


Water has the essential goal of keeping our body hydrated. When you exercise you’ll need to drink more water to keep your body hydrated. You should drink some water during your exercise routines to give your body the water that it needs. The ideal amount of water is between 6-8 glasses per day. If you exercise a lot you’ll need a bit more.

You’ll Feel Full

Water also has the effect of making you feel full. Try drinking a glass or two of water when you feel hungry. Often the feeling of hunger is actually the body asking for more water. Drink a glass of water before each meal and you’ll end up eating less during the meal. Make sure you drink water throughout the day to help control your appetite which will help you lose more weight over time. Water isn’t a miracle cure for weight loss but it does help you cut down on the amount of calories that you consume in a day if you drink it often.

Water Helps Burn Calories

Your body needs water to help it burn calories. Y drinking more water your body is going to burn calories more efficiently. When you are dehydrated the process of fat loss slows down so drink water all the time to increase the calories you burn during the day.

Water is Essential

For weight loss to occur you need more water. Try replacing all your beverages with water and have water during the day and when you exercise. It’s one of the single most important nutrients that can aid in the process of losing weight.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Losing Weight with Natural Whole Foods

In our quest to lose weight we turn to oils, powders, and strange techniques to lose weight. In reality it’s actually quite easy to lose weight but we have to approach the way we eat differently. Our culture is accustomed to processed food and convenience but these foods do little to help us lose weight. For adequate weight loss we need a whole foods diet.

What Are Whole Foods?

Whole foods are foods as close to nature as possible. These foods aren’t processed and they are pure. Whole foods include vegetables, fruit, whole grains, nuts, seeds, olive oil, fish, and meats. You want to include more whole foods in your diet and less processed foods. Whole foods contain all the vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function at its best. Whole foods need to be the bulk of your diet because they give you the best opportunity to lose weight or maintain weight because they are highly nutritious.

Why Processed Foods Make You Gain Weight

The main problem with our diet is we eat far too many processed foods. These foods contain far too much salt, sugar, and animal fats. The other thing that makes these foods less than ideal for our diet is that they contain additives and preservatives to enhance the flavor of the food. Most of these additives are chemical based and as we consume more processed food we gain weight. Our body simple can’t use the calories in these foods as they contain little in the way of actual nutrition.

Whole Foods Provide Nutrition

When you eat whole foods such as fruits and vegetables you’re getting the full nutrition of the foods you eat. Processed food is often “enriched” with vitamins because the food was stripped of the natural vitamins during processing. By eating fresh fruits and vegetables your body will get the nutrition that it needs to function and you won’t get the additives that processed or junk food contains. When you get high nutrition your body will be able to speed up the fat burning process and you’ll lose weight. If you combine whole foods with exercise then you have a powerful combination for weight loss to occur.

Cook with Whole Foods

Packaged and frozen meals are quick to prepare but they aren’t nutritious. You need to cook with whole foods at home and make these the bulk of your diet. If you want to treat yourself, make your own pizza for example, instead of buying a frozen one at the store. Cook with natural foods and get all the nutrition that you need. It’s easy to prepare wholesome meals ahead of time and freeze them for the next day if you’re pressed for time. Eating healthy takes some preparation but it is well worth for weight loss.

Whole Foods are the key

Eating whole foods is the key to weight loss. You’ll give your body the nutrition that to needs to help you lose weight as well as keep your body functioning at high levels. Start a whole foods diet, get some exercise, and watch the pounds come off.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Weight Loss Supplements Buying Tips

American spends $50 billion every year on weight loss programs and diet pills. Unfortunately, 22% of this goes to fake weight loss products.

More and more people are facing the problem of obesity and a lot of them are resorting to weight loss supplements. While some people have benefited from these supplements, there are still a lot of people who are clueless on what type to buy. In the end, they are left frustrated without loosing a single pound.

Worry no more! Here are some proven tips to help out weight losers wannabes when buying diet pills in the market:

1. Before buying diet supplement, consult a doctor. There are weight loss supplements that are available only by prescription. Do not forget to tell the doctor about allergies to certain medication and health history.

2. For over the counter supplements, decide what kind to buy. There are numerous types available in the market today. Some are appetite suppressants while some help the body to absorb fat. Also, do not forget to check the ingredients and carefully read the labels to avoid serious side effects like high blood and heart valve lesions. Also, make sure it will not react negatively on any other medications that are currently being taken. It would also help to have it checked by the doctor before taking it.

3. Keep in mind that all weigh loss supplements, even those that are prescribed by doctors, carry risks. It is for this reason that all instructions must be followed carefully and religiously. Stop taking the supplements if unusual symptoms are being noticed.

4. Choose diet pills that are approved by the Food and Drug Administration agency of FDA. These products are monitored and carry minimum risks.

5. Beware of over the counter diet pills that contain Ma Huang. This is a strong stimulant that has been associated with death especially among professional athletes.

6. When purchasing online, make sure that all the weight loss supplements are sealed. Do not accept bottles that were tampered with.

7. Remember that dietary products that promise quick weight loss usually do not have the approval of FDA. Most of these products have severe side effects that lead to drastic weight loss.

8. Research the internet for diet pills that are proven to have side effects. For example, a Brazilian diet pill was recently sold in USA that contains drugs and chemicals like antidepressants, tranquilizers, and amphetamines. This pill was advertised as all natural but was proven dangerous to health.

9. Never buy Ephedra based supplements; they are deeply associated with strokes and death.

10. Look for supplements that contain essential nutrients like Omega fatty acids, B12, calcium, and liver oils which are very important especially to women.

11. Buy products that are endorsed or recommended by health professionals or body builders.

12. Do not depend on weight loss supplement alone. Eat healthy and exercise. Try working out in the gym for at least 3 times a week and get incredible results!

Weight loss supplements have been in the market for sometime now but their effects in the long run has not yet proven. People who are serious about losing weight must aid supplements with exercise and well balanced diet. This is the most effective way in shedding pounds the healthy way.

Weight Loss Products Spoilt For Choice

Over Weight, Obesity and Obsession with weight loss is a global phenomenon. While the severity and percentage of cases differ slightly from one country/region/culture or another, abnormal weight gains can happen to anyone in any region and hence the success and popularity of weight loss products. For e.g. in the United States of America, many millions go on diets, exercise regimen, miracle pills each year and while few succeed in losing weight, very few succeed in keeping the weight off in the long run.

Losing weight and keeping it off requires many considerations. First and foremost you should determine correctly (if required, with medical consultation) about whether you are overweight and if so, by how much. Once you understand that there might be health risks involved you have to start researching and learning about the many weight loss products and options available to you. Weight loss products are available aplenty in the market as it is a very lucrative business with a large client base and a well spread problem.

While researching and narrowing down on weight loss products you have to keep many things in mind. First, it is always better to try out combinations of things rather than put all your eggs in a single basket. For e.g. along with dieting or any other weight loss product, a good exercise regiment can work wonders. This is because it is difficult to stay disciplined in any single weight loss method – say dieting or exercise and secondly the multiple methods can supplement each other nicely and give a better result.

Second, you should be extremely careful and cautious about the claims of weight loss product advertisements. It is always better to take your time, research the product and its claims, or consult a doctor or a known reference who has used the product. Many fad diets, calorie burners, even custom jewelry that is expected to use acupuncture techniques to control pressure points that stimulate hunger are available in the market. Enquire about the health risks involved, the speed of weight loss and whether customers using the weight loss product have been able to keep off their weight in the long run. Also check out about the costs involved including one time costs, recurring costs for visits or supervision, cost of pills, mixtures, special menus etc. It is always better to be safe than be sorry while using the weight loss products.

The best weight loss products that are prescribed and appreciated by both medical professionals and customers are the ones that work slow and easy. The problem with some quick fix weight loss products is that there might be health risks involved in losing weight rapidly and also the weight loss might reverse once you stop using the weight loss product. If your weight does not pose an immediate health risk, go for a combination of good diet consisting of nutritional products and a good mix of fruits, vegetables and low carb diet. Ensure that you take in enough food and calories required to keep you healthy and energized. Start on a slow and easy exercise regime and continue the weight loss program over a substantial period of time.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Diet Tips For Busy Women

Staying on your diet can be a challenge for anyone, but for a busy working mom the challenges can be especially tough. A busy lifestyle can make it impossible to get to the gym for a daily workout, prepare your meals ahead of time, or even to remember to pack your lunch for work each day. Being in a rush can make it difficult to stick to your diet when it’s so easy to grab something at the drive through. Here’s a collection of hints and tips from other busy women that will help you stay on your diet despite all the temptations.

Don’t try to ‘save time’ by eating on the run, or snacking at your desk while you work. No matter how rushed you are, take the time to eat like a civilized human being, to quote my mother. Set the table, put your food on a plate and have a meal. You’ll eat less and feel fuller – and not feel the urge to snack because you ‘haven’t eaten anything all day’. 

Cook just what will be eaten. Ignore all those homemaker articles that suggest that you ‘cook for tomorrow’ to save time. Cook one portion per person at each meal. That way you’ll avoid the temptation to finish off the leftover – and teach your family healthy eating habits. 

Get up early enough to eat breakfast at home. The morning rush to get ready may make it tempting to grab something on the way to work, or skip breakfast entirely. Don’t do it. You’ll end up eating up all that saved time – and a lot more calories – with midmorning trips to the snack machine, or fight off the blahs all morning long. Stock up on easy breakfast foods. A piece of fruit, a container of yogurt and a slice of toast are a healthy, balanced start for your day.

Most diets suggest that you drink at least eight 8 ounce glasses of water a day. If the thought of drinking a half gallon of water makes you queasy, there are ways to make it more appealing. Stock up on flavored bottled water in the fridge at work and keep one icy cold on your desk. At home, float mint sprigs or lemon slices in a crystal pitcher. There’s no added calories, but oh what a difference in presentation and flavor!

Trying to lose baby weight can be frustrating. You want to take it off as quickly as possible – but your body may not be cooperative. Keep in mind that your body is designed to nourish a child for up to a year after you give birth. Putting it on a starvation diet will kick it into survival gear, making it even harder to lose the extra weight. Instead of fighting your body’s natural tendency to store up nutrition for the baby, eat healthy portions and increase your activity level. And if you’re breastfeeding, remember that your body needs up to 1000 more calories a day than usual. Don’t skimp – you’ll just convince your body that it’s starving.

Employ the buddy system for moral support. Making a pact with a friend to exercise together makes it easier to stick to your resolution. Instead of meeting with friends for lunch, challenge friends to a tennis game, or take a brisk walk in the park together. 

Remember that a healthy, active lifestyle and a nutritious diet are the true keys to losing weight permanently. By choosing a diet that makes sense for your lifestyle, you’ll make it easier on yourself to lose weight, and keep it off for good.

How Is Fat Burned Facts ?

Are you having a hard time losing weight with traditional diets like Weight Watchers, Atkins, South Beach or Slim Fast? There is a very real reason why you and thousands of others can not even lose 1 painful pound a week with these plans which we will uncover here and arrive at a solution with How Is Fat Burned Facts for Rapid Weight Loss Results!

We are hard-wired to believe by Multi-Million Dollar Weight Loss Companies that in order to arrive at our ideal weight we MUST diet every day of the week, be especially strict on the weekends, sacrifice our favorite foods like cutting out all carbohydrates and told that it is not healthy to lose more than 2 to 3 pounds per week. Not to mention that they want you to purchase their prepackaged meals and compatible cookbooks. 

No wonder why most people can’t lose weight and have given up on their goal all together. The How Is Fat Burned Facts you are about to discover puts the fun back into losing weight and feeling great because it comes off so fast without sacrificing ANY of your favorite foods!

The best part about How Is Fat Burned Facts for Rapid Weight Loss Results is that exercise is not required; you only have to diet 3 days out of the week which allows you to take off on weekends and has been proven by thousands that you can easily lose up to 6 pounds per week without discipline. 

The secret to succeeding with any weight loss plan is that it MUST maximize your metabolism rather then require you to cut back on calories or carbohydrates. Most traditional diets like the ones listed above not only require super-human self-discipline but are NOT designed to maximize your metabolism for long lasting rapid results. 

Trying to lose weight with a sluggish metabolism is like attempting to climb Mount Everest with a table tied to your back! 

You know this to be true because we have all met someone who can eat whatever they want all day long and yet they stay twig skinny. Some people were blessed with fast metabolisms but for the Millions that weren’t there is the “The Lazy Way to Lose Unwanted Weight” which discloses exactly How Fat Is Burned and will get your body burning fat as fast as a fire place burns up newspaper.

I went from a size 16 to a size 6 in 8 weeks dieting only 3 days a week instead of 7 with the “The Lazy Way to Lose Unwanted Weight” and so can YOU! The only thing that has kept you from losing weight in the fastest, most pleasurable way possible was that you never knew how to safely maximize your metabolism. “The Lazy Way to Lose Unwanted Weight” shows you how to instantly maximize your metabolism with the secret food source that traditional diets do NOT permit on their plans. If you like cookies, candy or ice cream then you are going to LOVE the secret food source that will get you to your goal weight faster then any other diet on the market today! 

“The Lazy Way to Lose Unwanted Weight” works extraordinarily well for both men and women alike plus the secret food source you will learn all about in is also the # 1 product for those on restrictive diets due to diabetes. 

You have nothing to lose but up to 6 pounds per week with “The Lazy Way to Lose Unwanted Weight”!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Easy To Follow Weight Loss Tips

Achieving weight loss is not that easy. It needs a good strategy, planning and motivation to lose weight. Some of the weight loss tips, which can be followed at ease, are listed here to stay healthy as well as to stay fit with a perfect body figure.

Eating the right way helps achieving weight loss goals. Taking meals in smaller amounts, frequently helps in being energetic all the day and prevents from eating more.

Eating out is often associated with obesity as when dining outside, most of the people don’t check what they eat. Hence, to achieve weight loss, it is better to avoid dining outside.

Break fast should not be skipped as it has been found out that, people who do not skip their break fast are very successful in losing weight. If break fast is skipped the bodily metabolism slows down and when food is taken during lunch, it results in increased insulin levels and in turn weight gain.

It is good to stay away from beverages rich in fat and sugar as they will increase the insulin levels in the blood, while caffeine content can lead to dehydration.

Diet strategy can be planned in such a way that, without having to cut the favorite foods, they can be consumed in smaller portions along with healthy fresh vegetables or fruits to get a filled up feeling. By this way, the nutritional value of the food consumed is increased and fat rich foods are minimized.

Increased consumption of protein helps in burning the calories and avoids the storage of fat in the body. Protein supplements also help in building and preserving lean muscles.

Water plays an important role in weight loss as water hydrates the organs and the body. It suppresses hunger pangs, and can be taken in more amounts to get a filled up feeling.

Plan how you want your diet plan to be, adhere to it strictly and it is advised to keep a log for noting down what you eat and the amounts you eat with the weight measurement every week to analyze if you are progressing or not. Stay motivated while going through weight loss measures to attain success.

If weight is lost the healthy way, it benefits the person with a lower blood pressure, being able to be energetic in spite of controlled intake, healthy heart and organs, better body figure, less stress made on the bones, joints and muscles, and the most important of all stress free.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Get Clean On The Inside First For A Safe Weight Loss

I was driving past the gym the other day and I was actually impressed at how full the building was with people diligently getting their workout for the day in. Perhaps it’s because it is summer time here in Los Angeles and everyone wants to look good for this time of the year.

Well, as motivating as this may be, and as much as I honestly applaud their efforts, I couldn’t help but wonder how many of these obviously dedicated people were concerned with not just the external appearance of health but the inside as well.

It is documented that people spend loads of money on the new weight-loss pill or supplement guaranteed to ‘make you eat less and increase your metabolism…’ and in spite of whatever side effects the product may contain, the average Joe, still thinks this quick fix will be worth the risk.

What most people fail to realize is most fitness experts and bodybuilders who may use or endorse such products have a tendency to atrophy and wear down prematurely as sooner or later, these bodies, enhanced by unnatural substances have a tendency to pretty much degenerate.

Sure everyone wants to have the six-pack and the toned arms and all, and that is fine and of course worth striving for if one so desires, however, what should be of more importance is how clean the inside of the body is. This determines perhaps more than is realized just how one feels and speaking of a six-pack, if one’s colon and visceral organs are free of excess weight and debris, naturally a decent looking mid-section will be evident. (Just food for thought)

The average person is constantly carrying 10-15 pounds of un-eliminated feces in their bowels. This in itself has a toxic effect on the blood stream. Experts in autopsy have stated that in 60-70% of the colons examined, foreign matter such as worms and decades old feces-stones have been found still present within.

Now, it’s not my intention to gross you out with the fact in the previous paragraph, but it is to hopefully make you realize how much more important it is to ensure that our insides are clean as we go about seeking to lose weight, at least the healthy way.

Now, it is important to know that healing properties, not the calories, as most diet fads state, is the main factor for choosing a diet for a safe and effective weight loss.

Therefore, fruits, some roots and mostly raw green leaf vegetables, which serve as nutrient giving items and intestinal brooms, should form the basis of a healthy diet when seeking to lose weight.

These substances will serve to naturally combat chronic constipation which is the main indication of a clogged up system. Moreover, these are the items that provide one with the most natural sources of vitamins, minerals and fuel for day to living and borrowing from a cosmic law of nature, since “you are what you eat”, it goes without saying that if you want a safe and healthy weight loss, these items are of course your best bet.

Sure, it is a great feeling to be able to see the awesome cuts in your ‘abs’ and arms when you look in the mirror, but feeling good on the inside as well and knowing that you are thoroughly cleansed internally should be of just as much importance as ‘getting ripped’ or slim.

Remember, the cleaner you are on the inside and the freer you are of toxicity the quicker you can and will attain your goal of being in shape.

Here’s to health and happiness.

How To Lose Weight Successfull With Zone Diet

As one of the newer diets on the market, the Zone Diet is rapidly taking hold as one of the best and most popular. Like many on the market, the Zone Diet is the result of many years of intense study into the way the human body uses the food sources it is given. Through this research, the folks at Zone Diet have managed to find a way to make your body use the food to its fullest advantage and make you lose weight. The Zone Diet is gaining wide spread acceptance as a true form of weight loss and anything but a fad diet.

Dr. Sears is the man responsible for the Zone Diet and all of its inner workings. For years he has studied the effects that certain foods have on the bodies fat burning potential. With this research he has found the formula of foods and drinks that actually spur the body into over drive and help it to burn off the unnecessary fat and make you lose weight.

The Zone Diet is nothing like the other starvation diets that have come down the pike. In most cases you do not have to give up the foods that you love, but simply make adjustments in the daily regimen. This all speaks to the unique way that the Zone Diet works. Instead of cutting out the meals the Zone Diet adds two additional meals to the daily routine.

The Zone Diet works to stabilize and increase the insulin output of the body. With this insulin the body can more readily burn the fat to make certain that you are losing weight. This diet does not work in miracles or days even. There is a standard amount of time that you will need to work to make sure that you have maintained the proper procedures in the diet. This will help to build the bodies natural defenses against weight gain. With this manner you will be training your body to accept and decline certain foods in order to keep the weight that you lose off.

The Zone Diet is being actively referred to as the diet of the stars. Many of those in Hollywood and surrounding areas have found that the Zone Diet is vastly superior to the other diets currently on the market and therefore increasing its popularity to new levels.

How To Follow A Sensible Weight Loss Plan


By now, you may been riding the fad weight loss plan merry-go-round for quite some time and are ready to jump off. You have followed one regimented diet after another (the Zone, the Cabbage Soup diet or the Atkins diet), eaten prepackaged or powdered foods or MREs (meals rejected by Ethiopians), counted calories, given up flavor in favor of low fat, gone to the support groups. And you may have even lost some weight – only to see the pounds reappear after you went off the program. Every year, 100 million Americans go on a diet and up to 95% of them gain back any weight they lose within five years.

Such a weight loss plan can be a very temporary way to get started, but recognize it’s not long-term. Remember, anything you can do in a few days, you can undo in less. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends adopting healthy eating habits, rather than impatiently pursuing a crash diet or quick weight loss plan in hopes of losing unwanted pounds in a few weeks. Weight loss occurs from expending more calories than you consume. Therefore, the only rational way to lose weight is to eat fewer calories, than you expend in daily activities, and this process takes time.

Change Your Lifestyle:

Losing weight permanently may seem a distant dream, too good to be true. But a combination of a sensible diet and daily moderate exercise can help you fulfill this dream. As a weight loss plan, exercise alone is not as potent, but when combined with proper dieting, it can prove lethal for obesity. Exercise combined with dieting, leads to more weight loss than any other weight loss plan. This does not imply that exercise alone is worthless. Physical fitness is certainly good for you, and is more effective in reshaping your body than it is for shedding flab.

Exercise helps build muscles, and muscles burn more calories for fuel. Exercise helps to burn off excess calories and starting a regular exercise program is critical for any weight loss plan. For that reason, those involved in manual labor are rarely obese. In most cases, obesity is the result of a sedentary lifestyle. Lack of adequate physical activity, primarily contributes to causing obesity. While it is true, that exercise stimulates the digestive system and makes the individual hungrier, one can easily satiate this increased hunger by consuming large quantities of low-calorie foods. However, physical activity does not have to be excessive or overly strenuous to be effective.

Healthy eating is the best way to reach and maintain a healthy body weight. A balanced, whole foods diet – containing a variety of vegetables, fruits and grains, raw seeds and nuts, beans, fermented milk products, fish, and poultry is the best prescribed weight loss plan for reaching your ideal body weight. A good weight loss plan must be based on a well-rounded diet, as a deficiency in one or more nutrients may interfere with your weight loss goals.

If you have tried to lose weight before, consider what you did in the past that did not work for you and start from a different place. Establish a pragmatic, healthy weight loss plan for yourself and be clear about the reasons why you are undertaking this process again and what you are willing to do to achieve success. Instead of a one-size fits all diet, you need to understand that everyone requires a unique weight loss plan to shed weight and regain health. You know yourself well, what does and does not work for you. Give yourself the tools, knowledge, and support to reach your goal. Ultimately, you are the one who must decide if losing weight and making other lifestyle changes will improve your health.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

How To Eat To Lose Fat

I used to interview elite bodybuilders on their training and eating for a living and did this for years and years. One reoccurring theme that kept popping up when talk turned to diet/nutrition was how much food top bodybuilders packed away on a daily basis. These men taught their bodies how to handle continually greater amounts of calories without becoming fat. Contrast this with the typical obese person who eats one meal a day and adds body fat at the drop of a hat. I am working with a crew of obese folks and having great success using modified bodybuilder eating tactics to help the obese lose body fat.

The first order of business for the obese is to establish a multiple meal schedule. The obvious advantage to this strategy is it divides the daily calories in smaller chunks. I require the obese person to eat every three hours and this usually works out to five feedings a day. Secondly we insist they clean up the food selections. Some foods are easily converted into body fat (sugar foods, manmade foods and saturated fat) and some foods are near impossible for the body to convert into fat (lean protein, fibrous carbohydrates). The body’s metabolism kicks into high gear to digest protein and fiber – creates what is called the thermogenic effect of food. Body temperature actually increases when the digestive system is faced with the daunting task of breaking down hard to digest protein and fiber.

Multiple meals allow the body to deal with fewer calories at any one sitting and the repeated practice of eating 5-6 meals a day teaches the body to become adept at digesting and distributing food. Better to eat 3,000 “clean” calories a day divided into six five hundred-calorie daily meals than one 1,500 calorie mega-dirty fast-food meal.

The results are astounding when the obese buy into the approach. I have one male who has lost 40-pounds of bodyweight in 40 days while simultaneously adding 12-pounds of muscle. He started at 240 and yesterday he weighed 200. This is far more impressive because didn’t lose muscle in the process, he added muscle in the process. This was no ex-jock loaded with muscle memory; this is a 48-year old man with zero weight training experience.

Obese folks who slash calories end up losing as much fat as muscle and end up as miniaturized versions of the old fat selves. This modified bodybuilder approach melts fat while simultaneously adding muscle: the obese person eats more and as a direct result feels energized and vibrant during the process. Contrast this with the calorie-slasher who feels deprived, denied and continually on the verge of a binge. A person who eats wholesome foods every three hours is far less likely to binge and blow their diet than some poor obese person subsisting on 1200 calories a day. The calorie starved obese individual has set their caloric ceiling set so low that eating a candy bar or a bowl of ice cream causes them to add five pounds in 24-hours.

Adding functional muscle and building strength allows the obese person to become mobile and adept at climbing steps, getting out of a low chair and powering their bulk around. Compare this to the calorie-slasher who actually weakens their already weak body. Those who depend on deprivation to trigger bodyweight loss weaken the immune system and continually contract colds and sickness.

Those who live on 1000 to 1500 calories a day live in a stressful psychological world of denial. A person who has elevated their metabolism and consumes 3,000 calories a day can absorb an occasional binge far, far better than a person starving; I allow my folks a cheat meal once a week: this allows them to feel psychologically free. The interesting thing about the cheat meal (not cheat day – cheat meal) is that by “being good” the other 6 7/8′s of the time the sweets, fat and junk they crave and might eat are rejected by the body and classically results in diarrhea.

I train five obese folks I currently work with — one man and four women — and all are experiencing similarly spectacular results: all are losing unhealthy fat while building functional muscle and eating more food than they did before they commenced the process. This counterintuitive approach – eat more to lose fat – was torn right out of the playbook of champion bodybuilders and can be used to great effect by anyone interested in losing fat while adding muscle.

Real Life Story About Diet Pills

Following is a real life account of an obese person who was about to die due to his overweight and related diseases. The story is how he got rid of the problem of obesity. We are bringing the story here with the hope that definitely the story will encourage people to lose extra weight and become disease free. Let us read the story in his own words.

Hello! I am an ordinary citizen and actually no story is generally written by any one about an ordinary person like me. However still I am writing my experience with the hope that this may encourage others to fight the curse of obesity.

Even a few years back, I was an obese person. Actually my obesity started from my child hood. It is true that 40 percent of teen age boys and girls in America are overweight and obese. I was also among one of them during my childhood.

My body weight continued to increase abnormally compared to my age and height as I grew older. At my age below 25, my body weight increased to an alarming level. This overweight made me slow, not so smart and lazy. I felt always difficulty in breathing. My blood pressure increased unnecessarily. Also there were some symptoms of type-2 diabetes in my system. Really I was scared and could not find any way to get rid of my problem of overweight.

Also my sexual power was reducing day by day and I felt ashamed to my beautiful wife for not being able to satisfy her sexual desire.

I was thinking to adopt some weight loss programs with regular exercise by visiting Gym and take a session under the instruction of an experienced person.

However, I saw the program was too rigorous to adopt. So I did not join and this made me very much upset and I thought that there was no respite from my excess weight which would ultimately kill me in my immature age.

I heard the name of Phentermine diet pills. But I was not sure about their effectiveness as there were floods of advertisements in TV and Internet about cheap Phentermine diet pills and I thought all bogus.

But when I felt that my body weight would kill me one day and seeing no other way, I took the advice of a doctor who prescribed me to buy Phentermine diet pills.

He assured me that everything was not bogus. Actually phentermine

diet pills are prescription drugs and should be taken through a prescription of an experienced doctor. There are some suitability criteria for Phentermine diet pills and there are some side effects of it which should be closely monitored by a doctor.

The doctor also advised me to take controlled amount of balanced diet with some light exercise during morning and evening which were suitable for me.

Seeing no other way, I followed the doctor’s advice and started my weight loss program with Phentermine diet pills, balanced diet and regular exercise. After a few weeks I felt the real miracle. My body weight started to reduce.

My joy knew no bounds. I was so excited and thrilled to see my body weight reduction! This encouraged me to adopt a bit more rigorous exercise with the advice of my doctor and my body weight gradually came to the accepted level without disturbing other functions of my body.

At present my body is perfectly fit. All my symptoms of weight related disease disappeared as soon as my body weight came down.

I want to warn people that you may get spam mails from internet stores regarding Phentermine online. You should not be enticed to buy Phentermine online although they appear to be cheap. First be sure about their effectiveness then buy Phentermine through the Internet stores.

Weight Loss Made Easy By Natural Ways

 Weight loss is a major problem in U.S. Every day there is a formula or a new method to loose excess weight or to get rid of obesity. There have been scientific interventions in midst of natural ways of loosing weight. Many people in US follow different methods to keep themselves happy.

The health experts recently mentioned the only loosing of weight can be done through natural process. There are people who intake weight loss tablets or medicines, this can create a huge misunderstanding within the system of body and can really carry a lot of negative implications as one starts aging.

The best remedy for the weight loss is through natural process, this was the basic conclusion by the experts. Natural process of weight loss comes with understanding your body and really taking to heart that you need to reduce weight for your own sake and your body’s sake.

Before going to natural way of losing weight or weight loss method, it is best to take consultation from your personal health expert, taking suggestions from him or her for the best way to go around in losing the excess weight.

Some of the methods that many health experts suggest for losing weight is watching the diet, exercising and drinking lot of water. Health experts once came to say that, drinking 2-3 bottles of water daily can reduce obesity in no time, people have not been able to grasp that well, but water really plays a great affect in keeping one fit and healthy.

Obesity is an illness and some times it is psychologically in the head. It is important to remove any negativity from the head about your obesity and move on to having a healthy life style. Most people in U.S are suffering the problems of obesity for the very reason of being obese and not ever being able to come to a normal lifestyle. People need to really take it serious and to heart, that obesity is just a illness in head and once people decide to lose weight by proper implications than it is easy to lose weight in no time.

Losing weight is not difficult, it is an easy method. Losing weight involves, taking care of diet, taking care of intake on calories, drinking to the most 2- 3 bottles of water every day and exercising. These are the best methods to lose weight and gain confidence about your self.

Major observation given in losing the weight is watching the intake on calories every day. People have no balance on what they are eating every day. Many testimonials of obese people who have lost weight have said that, they never maintained their calorie levels daily, they had no control over it and they kept eating till they were tired. But once they started maintaining a diary on the intake of calories they have in a day that changed the whole perspective for them. They also made a point of exercising for one hour in a day, which is said to be more than enough period to lose on extra fats in a day.

Why Can't We Lose Weight?

That’s the question many people ask when their weight loss plan isn’t working.

Asking yourself ‘Why can’t I lose weight?’ is actually one of the best things you can do for yourself. It says you know that what you’re currently doing isn’t working for you.

You’re at the place where you’re ready to look at alternatives – try something different to get a result you want.

So why can’t you lose weight? Here are 3 possible reasons you may not be losing weight – and some suggestions on what you can do about it.

1) Medical Reasons

Now this is not the same as saying you’re genetically programmed to be overweight. That is hogwash. In fact scientists estimate that even if you do have a genetic propensity to gain weight, your genes only account for 15 – 25% of your current weight. So forget the genetics excuse.

But there are medical reasons that some people can’t lose weight. Low thyroid, adrenal exhaustion, insulin resistance and other medical conditions can make losing weight near to impossible.

That’s why before starting any weight loss plan, you should talk to your doctor first. Have a full workup and make sure that you don’t have any health issues standing in the way of your weight loss.

There’s nothing more frustrating that trying to lose weight, doing all the right things and not losing an inch – all because of a medical condition. Get the medical condition cleared up first and then address the weight (in fact, the weight may just go down on it’s own once you get the medical condition addressed).

2) Emotional Eating

I recently read an article where a nutritionist estimated that 75% of overeating was due to emotions. 75%! Can you imagine what would happen if you learned to eliminate emotional eating and cut out all those calories? What a weight loss impact! The weight would be falling off.

Unfortunately, in today’s world, emotional eating is on the rise. Most people today are feeling the pressure of an increasingly hectic lifestyle. We hardly have time to tie our shoes, never mind deal with our emotions.

Because of this, our emotions get stuffed down and ignored until finally they explode and we’re face-down in a bowl of Rocky-Road ice cream with extra chocolate sauce.

Here’s the bottom line: you are human and you have emotions. Your emotional needs are important and need to be addressed properly with love. You need emotional nurturing and proper emotional care.

If that means you take a 5 minute break every few hours at work to regain your emotional balance, do it. If that means you need to unwind by doing a mall walk and window shopping after work – don’t let anything stop you.

Learn to nurture your emotional health and you’ll nip emotional eating in the bud – and start losing weight FAST.

3) Mismatched Weight Loss Plan

There are many different ways to lose weight and dozens of weight loss programs to choose from. Some plans emphasize a change in diet, others emphasize a change in exercise, others focus on the inner reasons for overeating.

Every person is different and will lose weight in their own unique way. If what you’re doing now isn’t currently working, it may be a simple case of personality-plan mismatch.

Maybe instead of a diet-focused weight loss plan, you would feel better with a fitness-focused weight loss plan or a psychological weight loss plan. There are lots of plans to choose from and you deserve to take your time and find one that fits your personality and lifestyle best.

If you think this is the case, take some time to review different diet or weight loss plans. Find one that you can get excited about, one that makes sense to you and that fits your belief system and personality. That’s when you’ll make real weight loss progress!

So those are 3 possible reasons for your weight loss plateau. You don’t have to stay stuck in a weight loss rut. You don’t have to keep asking yourself the frustrating question: Why Can’t I Lose Weight?’ Keep believing in yourself and in your dreams. Don’t give up and you will get there!

7 Simple Everyday Life Tips To Help Losing Weight

These days more and more people are getting intellectual instead of physical jobs. Sitting in the office chairs all-day long has become a norm for many of us. Stress, busyness and rush make us forget about regular food and stuff our stomachs with cheeseburgers and sodas, which don’t do anything good for our bodies.

As a result of such crazy life rhythm, we rarely find time for exercises, gyms or balanced nutrition. As a matter of fact, it’s one of the reasons why there are now more that 60% of U.S citizens that have overweight. However, it is possible to change your lifestyle and lose your weight if you are willing to. 

These 7 day-to-day life tips provided below will help you to drop your extra pounds, become more energetic and healthier.

1. Drink More Water

Our bodies need a lot of water. Water removes waste from our organisms and carries various nutrients into all our organs and cells. Your body also loses water by using it for various ways. For this reason you have to replace it and drink water more often than you are used to.

Start your day with a glass of water in the morning. Drink a glass of water before any meal. Take a bottle of water with you when you go to work. Your body needs approximately 3-5 liters of water during one day. So don’t hesitate to drink plenty of water wherever and whenever you can.

2. Eat Fruits and Drink Fruit Juices

Eating fruits and juices helps you eliminate toxins from your body. Eating a variety of fruits also helps you get enough fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. That’s why you should eat fresh fruits and drink natural fruit juices as often as possible.

Fruit juices from stores are often sweetened. If you want to drink juices, make fresh juices yourself. If you think it takes too much of the time, then look for juices with labels that say “100% fruit juice”. These are much healthier for your body as long as they contain much more vitamins.

3. Eat Lots of Vegetables and Vegetable Salads

When it comes to losing extra pounds, vegetables are a great choice. They are natural and contain different vitamins, minerals and tons of other useful chemicals known to provide benefits for your body. Vegetables are low in fat and calories, they help control blood glucose levels, reduce blood cholesterol and reduce the risk of colon and other cancers. All these features also help control your weight effectively.

If you feel that eating vegetables alone isn’t great choice for you, then make some salads. Mixing vegetables together gives you even more different vitamins and health benefits. There are tons of tasty, healthy salad recipes on the internet. You can also use you imagination to make some great salads.

4. Eat Only When You Are Hungry

How many times you’ve been to a party where you saw lots of different and tasty looking meals, which you were offered to try.

Don’t eat, because you are offered to. Eat only when you want to.

Many people also like snacking. In between meals or when have nothing to do. Quit snacking. Most snacks contain a lot of fat and calories. Replace your usual snacks with vegetables or fruits. These are healthy to your body and you’ll never get fatter, only thinner.

5. Carry Healthy Food with You

Many of us work busy office jobs and don’t have time to eat regularly. In this case, bring your own made food with you. Instead of bringing sandwiches with meat, take vegetable salads, carrots, chicken salads. Any low fat food will do. This way, you won’t have to wait for a break to fill your stomach. You’ll be able to have fixed times when eating food. 

It’s also important to try to eat about 5 times a day, rather than 3 or 2. Eat in smaller quantities, but more often. This helps you to increase your metabolism.

6. Work Out When You Can

Working out in a gym is not only a great way to grow some muscles, but also to drop a few pounds. Exercising helps you burn your calories instead of storing them in your body as fat. Our bodies were made to be active, so exercising slowly and easily can actually help you get more energy and make you feel much better.

At the end of the week, try to lose all the stress and burn your calories in a gym or having some kind of physical activity at home. If you have time, then try to do easy exercises everyday.

7. Don’t Lie Down or Sit When You Can Move

Many of us like to watch TV lying on a couch or sitting in a comfortable chair. Of course, when you come home after hard working day, you’re tired, and all you can think of, is a couch and a remote in your hand. But such laziness won’t help you lose weight. Contrarily, it will make you grow some more pounds.

So don’t lie or sit, when you can walk and move. Instead of staring at TV, like a goofy, go ahead and work out in your garden for example, clean your garage, fix your car, go to walk in park or beach. Breathe fresh air and move more often. Not only does it help to reduce stress after work, but also ups your mood and makes you more energetic.

In Conclusion

Remember that all these tips will help you to lose weight, but only if you are determined and are ready to devote some of your time. Don’t expect to slim down 4 sizes after eating 5 carrots and drinking orange juice.

Your body, just like many things in this world, needs time. So be patient. And if you will honestly use at least some of these tips, you are going to change your lifestyle, which in the end will lead you to a thinner and healthier body.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Mistakes We Often Make While Trying To Lose Weight

I went on my first diet around five years ago. Over the past four and a half years my weight went up and down as I tried every diet and exercise program under the sun. Nothing seemed to work for me. Until six months ago I enrolled in a weight workshop which taught me that I need to change the way I look at food. It was then that I realized that I had made many mistakes in my quest to lose weight.

In this article I’m going to share with you eight mistakes I made on my quest to lose weight. I hope by sharing my experiences with others throughout the world via the internet I might be able to help people avoid the mistakes I made. So, here are the eight mistakes I made while trying to lose weight.

1. I started to skip breakfast

Most people trying to lose weight believe simply eating less and skipping meals helps shed that fat. And breakfast is a real easy meal to skip. This is one of the biggest mistakes you can make when on a weight loss diet. If you leave the house in the morning on an empty stomach you’re much more tempted to eat more at morning tea and lunch times. And, calories you eat at breakfast time are easily burnt throughout the day.

2. I would eat one day and not the next

I would literally eat about 2000+ calories one day, feel guilty, and end up eating about 700 calories the following day. If you “starve” yourself throughout the day you’re much more likely to eat more in the evenings, which is not going to help you lose weight. You should consume most of your calories in the morning.

3. I bought diet food

When I went shopping I always looked for the foods marked diet, low-fat, healthy etc. This is a good practice to get into, but I was buying these foods for the wrong reason. I bought these foods because in my mind it meant I could more. I would totally disregard portion size. If you eat diet foods in large portions you’re not doing yourself any favors.

4. I thought I’d always be fat

This is mindset that you must break if you want to lose some serious weight. Sometimes it feels like you’re doing the right things and not making any progress, this is totally natural. You need to focus on being happy and healthy and achieving your goals. Try not to get caught up in “the big picture”.

5. I started eating salads as main meals

Eating salad is a good way of keeping your calorie intake down right? Yes, meal of salad has much less calories that a pizza but does it have the satisfaction? When you eat you mind needs to get some satisfaction from what you have just eaten. I found that when I ate salads for meals a few hours later I was back I the cupboard looking for more food. I learnt that I was better off eating a balanced meal with slightly more calories than simply eating a salad and snacking afterwards.

6. I started my new diets on Mondays

When I found a new diet that I decided I was going to try I always started it on a Monday. This meant I would eat all weekend like I was never going to eat again. Doing this I was just setting myself up for failure.

7. I was to embarrassed to go to the gym

Taking the plunge and joining a gym was one of the hardest things I ever did. I was always worried that people in the gym would be staring at me and talking about me. I really thought I was too fat to join. My advice is to join a gym! You’ll be glad you did. I look forward to going to the gym now.

8. I set my goals to high
Setting long term goals is great, but these goals always seem to far off. You need to set smaller, more reachable goals that you can regularly meet to keep your motivation high. Set yourself weekly, monthly and three monthly goals. Once you meet one short term goal set a new one for next week.

So there you have it, those are the mistakes I made. I now look at weight loss from a totally different perspective and it has paid off. I now help others with weight loss and keeping healthy.

How Starving Your Body Can Make You Gain Weight

One of the things that makes people not get the weight loss results that they want is that they may occassionally be starving their bodies.

There are two basic ways that this can happen. One is for it to be done inadvertently—like when you just get busy and forget to eat.

Another is when you purpose deprive your body of food to try and “speed up” your results.

Regardless of how it happens, either scenario in this case is equally damaging. Although you will decrease the calories that you take in which may lead to some short-term weight loss, the kicker here is that you will be slowing down your metabolism.

What this means is that after the starving is over, your body will hold onto the next meal you eat for dear life, expecting be be starved again.

If you allow starvation to become a habit, you will actually be contributing to your own weight gain in the future.

Therefore, make sure that you are keeping your meals no more than 4 hours apart. As long as you do this, you will be supporting the healthy metabolism that you’ll need to lose the kind of weight that you’ve committed to.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Basic Exercises Can Help You To Lose 10 Pounds

You need to lose 10 pounds. Before you do anything else, think about your preferences. Do you jog at 6 a.m. every morning, even when the 30 degree weather turns your nose into frost? Or, do you shudder at the thought of getting up early and prefer to wrap yourself in a down comforter?

Your preferences towards exercise determine what you should do to lose weight. Let’s say you spend most of your leisure time sitting on the couch, reading a murder mystery. While you may not call yourself a “coach potato,” you do classify as an inactive person. Simply realizing this fact puts you one step forward to losing 10 pounds.

The next step involves deciding how to exercise, which is part of any good weight loss plan. Sure, going to the gym may be the first option that comes to your mind, but you have more choices. You may breathe a sigh of relief after reading the last line, since the gym may not be comfortable or convenient for you.

Other options to get more exercise can require more creativity, but the process is worth the extra effort. For instance, do you drive to the farmer’s market every weekend? Assuming it’s not too far, you might consider getting a cart and walking the distance.
If you do follow these tips, you will get best result for weight loss. These exercises will help losing weight successfully.

7 Tips To Get Calories Out Of Restaurant Food To Help Losing Weight

When I eat out I want it to be special, consequently I don’t eat out often. You may have seen the advice on how to shave calories at restaurants but really, are you wanting to pay high restaurant prices for undressed salads and plain steamed vegetables? If not, how then can you solve the dilemma of too many calories when you eat out? I need help losing weight.

Here are seven tips for getting the calories out of restaurant meals while still ordering your favourites.

1. Say NO to super sizing. The size you ordered is already too big. Stop super sizing and you’ll save money. Better still, order one dinner and ask for an extra plate. Many restaurants will do this for a dollar or two, and it’s well worth it. Then share the meal with your friend and you split the cost straight down the middle. Another option is to order from the so called “appetizer” menu. Two people could order three entries, one dessert and split the whole thing and it’s still a ton of food!

2. Skip the bread and rolls. Many family restaurants still serve a bread basket with your meal. Unless it’s a fresh baked loaf or some really special bread, just skip it. You don’t need to fill up on ordinary bread when you’re paying good money for a meal. Just ask for it to be taken away if you can’t resist, but frankly, you’re an adult, you can resist, if you want to. You can simply choose not to put a roll on your plate. Try it, just once and see if you don’t walk out of that restaurant feeling strangely powerful.

If you can’t skip the rolls, at least skip the butter. That’s right. Eat it plain. Whole grain bread is delicious all by itself.

3. Stop Ordering Drinks. Soft drinks are a huge cash cow for restaurants. For pennies they sell you a squirt of syrup and carbonated water and act like they’re doing you a big favour by only charging you $1.29 for a giant 64 ounce soda. Start saving those dollars. Especially if you’re ordering “to go” skip the drink. If you’re eating it there, ask for water, or at least switch to diet drinks. Never drink “fat pop.”

4. Slow Down You Eat Too Fast! What’s the rush? Take your time, savor the moment, enjoy the flavors. A big part of getting in touch with your hunger signals and learning to eat what really will satisfy is learning to recognize the subtle signs of hunger. You won’t know when you’re approaching satisfaction if you’ve gobbled everything down in five minutes. Take a bite then notice how many times do you chew before you start wanting to swallow? Once, twice? Make an effort to chew your food and your body will be much happier. A very large part of digestion begins in your mouth, not to mention you’ll get much more pleasure if you let the food linger.

5. Trim Visible Fat and Skin. I know, you really love the skin–of course you do, it tastes good, it should, it’s pure fat. Do you want to get leaner, or do you want to eat fat? You choose. I never eat chicken skin and never eat the visible fat hanging off a steak, good taste or no. You have to decide what you want more, the second’s worth of pleasure of a yummy taste, or a lifetime of carrying around an extra 40 lbs? I know this is counter to the low carb crowd’s belief that fat is good, crabs are evil, but I’ve maintained an 80 pound weight loss for 18 years without dieting and I don’t eat visible fat or skin. Enough said. If I need help losing weight, I never eat trim visible fat and skin.

6. Ask for a Doggie Bag at the Beginning of Meal. When the food is served, immediately portion off some to take home for tomorrow. Most restaurants in the US serve way too much. There is no law you have to eat it all. Do this frequently and soon you’ll find you’re getting an extra lunch out of that meal.

7. Get a copy of Restaurant Confidential by Michael F. Jacobson and Jayne Hurley, and start checking out how many calories you’re really eating. If you eat out frequently and you carry extra weight, then that’s probably the problem right there. This little book can help you realize why it seems you don’t eat that much yet you can’t lose any weight. Hardees recently introduced a new burger that clocks in at just under 1200 calories all by itself! Now that’s frightening.

If you really want to help losing weight, look first to where you eat, second at what you eat, and third how much you eat. Where, What and How Much? Try these steps choosing one tip at a time, and see how easily you can take some of the calories out of restaurant food.

Basic Diet And Exercising Tips To Start Losing Weight

Obesity is now being called an epidemic in the health community. In fact, it will soon be the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, even ahead of cigarette smoking. Obesity leads to type two diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or stroke and even an increased risk of cancer. With all of these health risks, as well as the general improvement in the quality of life that can occur, losing weight is one of the best things that you can do for yourself.

No matter what we would like to believe, there simply isn’t a magic solution to losing weight. The body will shed excess fat when it needs more calories to function through the demands you place on it in a given day than the amount of calories that you feed it. It’s that simple. So, in order to lose weight, you need to decrease the number of calories that you eat as well as increase the amount that you burn.

There is a wide range of options to choose from when looking for a weight loss program. All of them often spend a lot of time explaining what to eat, in what amounts and even at what times or in what combinations. But few of them emphasize the importance of exercise – not just for losing weight, but for your general health and well-being. Exercise is vital when trying to lose weight for several reasons:

First, as you start to eat less, your metabolism will slow down somewhat. Exercising helps to elevate your metabolism back to an efficient level.Second, as mentioned, exercise burns more calories so that you can lose weight faster and stay motivated in your efforts.Third, exercise actually releases endorphins, chemicals that keep your mood elevated.

Exercise doesn’t have to mean spending hours at the gym or straining through exhausting workouts. In fact, in order for you to stick with it on the long run, exercising should be something that you enjoy. Start by increasing your activity level in an overall way. Take the stairs when you can. Park further from the mall door when you go shopping. Go for a walk in the park or through a neighbourhood you love and bring a dog or a friend along for company. Take dance or martial arts lessons.

Once you become more active in general, you’ll find it easier and more natural to move into regular exercise. Which you’ll need to do eventually in order to get regular, noticeable health benefits. You need to raise your heart rate to a fat burning level and keep it there for at least 20 minutes, 3 times or more a week. However, if you don’t want to go to a gym, there are other options. Videos and DVDs are now available in all kinds of exercise types. That way you can change your routine whenever you want so that you don’t get bored with what you’re doing. Try a range of aerobics, kickboxing, yoga, or pretty much any activity you want right in the comfort of your own home.

If you have physical limitations that would keep you off from exercising, you can still find a way to increase your activity level. Water aerobics is a wonderful option for those who have joint problems or limited mobility because it relieves the pressure on your body that your weight provides. But you still get the resistance to challenge your muscles from the water. There are even classes and videos available that let you exercise in a seated position.

Whatever kind of exercise you choose, it’s important to stay motivated and keep it fun. Try gathering a group together to make it a social event. Or get a pedometer, a device that tracks how far you walk, and see how many miles you can walk a week. Make a competition amongst your friends or family members and treat the winner with something special (not food related!). Make the experience of exercising something that you look forward to, and it will soon become a regular part of your healthier lifestyle.
If you and i need help losing weight, we should follow these basic tips to lose weight successfully.